Βραβείο 2021

Βραβείο 2022

Στρατηγικός συνεργάτης

Υποστηρικτές Επικοινωνίας

(https://journals.scholarsportal.info/details/21957177/v09i0001/91_mtiasdasr.xml&sub=all )
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can experience difficulties functioning in society due to social communication deficits and restrictive and repetitive behaviors. Music therapy has been suggested as a potential intervention used to improve these deficits in ASD. The current systematic literature review focuses on two methods of music therapy: improvisational music therapy (IMT) and singing/listening to songs. We review the extant literature and the associated methodological limitations, and we propose a framework to assess the effectiveness of music therapy as an intervention in ASD. We suggest the creation of a standardized framework that should utilize neuroimaging tools as an objective marker of changes induced by music therapy as well as a combination of functional and behaviourial outputs, rather than assessment methods addressing a broad range of functional and behavioural outputs, rather than only the main symptoms. The methodological limitations found in the current literature prevent us from making a strong statement about the effects of music therapy in autism. We consider treatment fidelity assessments as the key to successful future attempts to truly understand music therapy effects in ASD.
Citation: Music Therapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Review, (2022). Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, volume 9, pages91–107. Amparo V. Marquez-Garcia, Justine Magnuson, James Morris, Grace Iarocci, Sam Doesburg & Sylvain Moreno