Βραβείο 2021

Βραβείο 2022

Στρατηγικός συνεργάτης

Υποστηρικτές Επικοινωνίας

Open access article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-023-06202-4
This review aimed to identify the post-graduation training pathways available for both
clinicians and trainers in the assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD). The study was guided by two research questions: What is known about ASD-
specific educational, training, or other pathways available to support clinicians of any
discipline, post-graduation, to meet the required expertise relevant to assessments of
ASD concerns? What is known about the educational pathways available to clinicians
seeking to provide training to other clinicians, post-graduation, in the assessment of
ASD concerns? A scoping review was undertaken with searches completed across
five databases (PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycEXTRA, ERIC and CINAHL). A Google
search strategy was also executed using the “advanced” search function. Eligible
records were literature, written in English, that examined post-graduation training
and/ or education of clinicians to assess and/ or diagnose ASD. Fourteen relevant
records were identified. Post-graduate training has the potential to enhance clinician
confidence and service provision in ASD assessment and diagnosis. System-wide
training approaches show promise in building large-scale, diagnostic capacity and the
use of tele-mentoring offers a cost-effective, convenient mode of training delivery. A
lack of evidence to support ASD diagnostic training pathways was found and may
pose a challenge for clinicians and service users. The limited evidence found suggests
that high quality research will be fundamental in determining how to build clinician
capacity in ASD assessment and diagnosis and to ascertain whether training pathways
are a necessary component.
Citation: Curran, C., Roberts, R., Gannoni, A. et al. Training and Educational
Pathways for Clinicians (Post-graduation) for the Assessment and Diagnosis of
Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Scoping Review. J Autism Dev Disord (2024).